Church Pension Group Officers & Principal Advisors

CPG’s executive leadership team works with the CPF Board in determining the strategic direction of the organization, which drives the efforts of all officers and their units.
Church Pension Group Officers*
Chief Executive Officer and President
Mary Katherine Wold
Executive Vice Presidents
Francis P. Armstrong
The Rev. Clayton D. Crawley
Theodore J. Elias, Jr.
Patricia S. Favreau
Michael Hood
Nancy L. Sanborn
Roger Sayler**
Ellen M. Taggart
Senior Vice Presidents
The Rev. Cn. Arlette Benoit Joseph
The Rev. Patrick S. Cheng
Jeffrey Cianci
Jocelyn Donat
Kathleen Floyd
Steven J. Follos
TraceyAnn L. Harvey
Martin Hossfeld
Laurie Kazilionis
Margarita Monegro
Elliot Orol
Matthew J. Price
William Psinakis
Pat Rasile
C. Curtis Ritter
Ann Robinson
Christopher Rourke
John Servais
Airié Stuart
Karen Vitale
Renee D. Ward
Managing Directors
John Angelica
Sharon Chiu
Brian Jandrucko
Rhonda Kershner
Vikram Kuriyan
Eric Mason
Sajith Ranasinghe
Christopher Rowe
Robert Smulowitz
Alan Snoddy
Mark Valery
June Yearwood
Vice Presidents
Stephanie Aballay
Rezina Ali
James Almy
Carolyn Bendana
Deborah Burnette
Renee Cajigal-Delgado
Sean Chatterton
Anthony Cota
John Cusack
Gerald Delk
Rachel Christmas Derrick
Edward A. Feliciano
Robert Flannery
Camille Fredrickson
John Gallo
Max Giacomazzi
Angela L. Harris
Kenneth Jacobson
Stacie Joh
Alan Johnson
Linda A. Knowlton
Lisa LaRocca
Lianne Limoli
William M. Lodico
Jeffrey Lyngaas
Kirk Mason
Debbie Massi
Danette Patterson
Louanne Piccerill
Shawn Rawa
Tobias Ruffin
Jack Rutledge
John Scheffler
Andrew Scherer
Beena Shaffie
Paul W. Stephens
Andrea W. Still
Wilson Townsend II
The Rev. Lisa Tucker-Gray
Timothy Vanover
Joyce Flournoy Wade
Lisa Yoon
Assistant Vice Presidents
Aloyse Brown
Darryl Gaskins
Michael Guardiola
Laurie Harwell
Maria Herrera
Jill Hoffman
Jeanne-Marie Istivan-Scanlon
William Lamb
Michelle Langone
Rose Lawson
Anita Manbodh
Jeannette Marsh
Marie McGurk
Alicia McKinney
Romit Mukherjee
Parul Parmar
The Rev. Laura Queen
Stephen Tihor
Janet Todd
Tressa Violetto
Karen Yuen
Alan F. Blanchard, President Emeritus
David R. Pitts, Chair Emeritus
*Includes officers of The Church Pension Fund and officers of affiliated companies, which include The Church Insurance Agency Corporation, The Church Insurance Company of Vermont, Church Life Insurance Corporation, Church Pension Group Services Corporation, and Church Publishing Incorporated, between April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024.
**Retired September 30, 2023
Principal Advisors
The Northern Trust Company
Independent Auditors
Ernst & Young LLP
Johnson Lambert LLP
Pension Actuary
Buck Global, LLC
Health Plan Actuary